Sunday, July 5, 2015

Chapter 3 - Trapped!
At the end of this chapter Ralph is trapped in the wastepaper basket.  What do you predict will happen to him?


  1. I think the mouse didn't happen nothing to him because he was trapped.

  2. I finally found out what happened to Uncle Victor! I dont want to spoil it for anyone, but I hope that what happened to him doesn't happen to Ralph. Ralph is in almost the same situation, but I am going to think positively and predict that the maid will get scared when she picks up the can and sees Ralph and drop it so that he is able to scurry away.

  3. I just read your posts from the past few chapters, Emely. I read Jyot's and Mrs. Wilchek's too. I love how you have been reading, thinking, and blogging.

    When I was camping in a cabin once, a mouse got stuck in a wastepaper basket like Ralph did. He made a ton of noise and scared me so much. My husband took the wastepaper basket outside (far away from the cabin) and let the mouse go. In this book, I predict that the maid will dump Ralph outside too. Then Ralph will have to find a way back to his family.
